Museum Replicas - page 5

The Conqueror Sword
The year 1066 AD will forever be known as the turning point of British
history, as the invading Normans, lead by Duke William “The Conqueror,”
soon became the first Norman King of England. This magnificent sword
represents the epitome of this heroic man. The long, wide fuller down the
blade, lightens the weight, making it a formidable weapon. The Brazil nut
shaped pommel has been inset with the battle cross of William, as well as
the blade’s fuller. As legend goes, upon landing on the shores of England
for the first time, William fell flat on his face. Upon rising, he turned and
said, “I have already grasped my Kingdom.” The straight hilt has been
inscribed with the phrase, in Latin-Jam Accepisse
Regnum. Finally, the sturdy wooden grip has been covered
in a deep, blood red leather and has been wound with a braided silver wire.
Accompanying this fine blade is a wooden scabbard, covered in a brown
leather and embossed with the cross of the Conqueror. Belt with period ties
is attached. Made by
Windlass Steelcraft
Overall-37" • Blade-30
" long, 2
" wide • Wt-3 lb. 6 oz.
Coat of
-This is an early form
of what later knights would
turn into metal coats of
plated armor. This long
coat is made of high-grade
suede and has over 120
heavy leather plates rivet-
ed to it. With slits up the
front, back and sides, it
makes this perfect for
fighting. Lace-up sides make this a very adjustable garment. It can also be
worn with any of our mail shirts, for added protection. Measures 45" in over-
all length. One size.
Man At Arms Helm
-Constructed of hard leather and banded steel, side
suede face guards, a large steel nasal guard and a soft adjustable liner.
See pg. 8
for our
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