Maciejowski Chopper
No known historical name exists for this unique sword! It appears in the Maciejowski Bible, an illustrated Medieval manuscript that depicts Bible stories, but with Medieval European clothing and...
No known historical name exists for this unique sword! It appears in the Maciejowski Bible, an illustrated Medieval manuscript that depicts Bible stories, but with Medieval European clothing and...
Two young dragons have discovered the mystic’s study! One is obviously a scholar and uses a magnifying glass to scrutinize a book of metaphysics, while the other considers the mysterious tomes a...
Developed early in the 12th Century and lasting for about 300 years, the Great Helm became the mainstay of the medieval fighting man. Worn over a mail coif and padding, this helmet has menacing,...
This padded shirt is a light weight, lace-up cotton gambeson that can be worn as a stand-alone garment or as an under-shirt with a sleeveless doublet. The sleeves are decorated with a Nordic string...
Circa 1350 The proliferation of plate armor across Medieval Europe was shadowed by the development of crushing weapons like this war hammer. Since swords were virtu
Wooden practice weapons are able to withstand rough use while preserving the steel weapons for battles to come. A wooden sword is also useful for another reason - if it makes contact with another...
You will have Renaissance elegance in our 16th century styled fleur-de-lis patterned dress. The back of this overdress laces up and has a hidden modesty panel, which leaves breathing room after a...
This royal tunic is made of quartered black and rust cotton velvet with the three crowns of Arthur Pendragon emblazoned on the front panels. Delicate braided gold trim accents this surcoat, while...