Fantasy Swords
Fantasy swords are the way to go if you are up for an adventure of a lifetime. These swords are not conventional weapons. They can't be; after all, you are not up against brave knights and warriors. These weapons help you take down ogres, dragons, and white walkers, among other nefarious beings. You can rescue a damsel, slay a beast, take down a nasty villain (or try and take down a hero!). They are the ideal equalizer against evil elves and undead zombies. In a quest filled with peril, you'll want to have your trusty sword by your side.
Every item in Museum Replicas’ selection of fantasy swords is built to impress. Try them out in the next cosplay or LARP event. If you do not want to indulge in any action, hang them up proudly in your home. We carry excellent reproductions of the swords Glamdring, Orcrist and Sting, which served Gandalf, Thorin and Bilbo, respectively, so well in The Lord of the Rings. These are just a few of the many swords we offer. So, don’t wait, pick one today and rule the realms.