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Dragon Con 2016 and more!

Posted by MRL on Aug 31st 2016

Pack up those cosplays, update your celebrity check-ins and review your panel schedules, it's Dragon Con time again! Unfortunately, Museum Replicas is still on the waitlist to exhibit and won't be attending this year. Yeap, we're sad, too. See a DCon staff member? Tell them you want us there! In the meantime, you could just keep an eye out for us in spirit! If you see someone in MRL garb, give them a high five! If people ask for photos in your sweet Museum Replicas costuming, be sure to tell them where they can get in on the action and send us a pic! We'll help plug your mad costuming skills. When all is said and done, if you find your inner nerd still yearns for more, feel free to stop by our showroom in Conyers, which is only a half hour away and see our castle! Once you've caught your breath, be on the lookout for our sibling company Movie Prop Replicas to be making an appearance at the Fayetteville Comic Con.

Dragon Con 2016 and more!

October 15th and 16th for all your geek collecting needs!

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