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Georgia Spartan Race 2011

Posted by MRL on May 13th 2011

After running the Spartan Race in Georgia on April 30th, we at Museum Replicas wanted to share the experiences we had at this incredible event. But first, what is the Spartan Race? The Spartan Race is a super intense race/obstacle course anywhere from 3 - 12 miles which travels from city to city across the US and Canada, even the UK! Word for word from their website, spartanrace.com, their goal is "to get you off your couch, throw you in the mud & trails, and feed you one tough endurance event day that will be the adrenalin rush of your life." Being the proud sponsors of the Spartan Race, Museum Replicas entered a team into the race: composed of Bobby Milanese, Supriya Dhankhar, Nitin Gulia, and Alex Smith.

Running in the 11:30 heat, we ran through the smoke and mud of the starting line with a burst of energy and eagerness. The Spartan Race lives up to its name, however, and our energy soon disappeared as we finished one grueling obstacle after another. The barbed wire mud crawl (complete with Georgia Spartan fire ants for the earlier heats), the swamp run, carrying a 60 lbs bucket of dirt 100 yards up a hill, and a running nearly 4 miles almost entirely uphill were some of the more challenging aspects of the race. How they managed to make the entire race uphill is a mystery! Add to this carrying 10 pounds of mud and water in your clothes and shoes AND the scorching sun baking the life out of you, by the time we were done the cold showers felt like a God-send.

Finishing between an hour and 10 and an hour and 30 minutes, we felt very satisfied with our performance together. That, however, was nothing compared to the feeling of our victory over the course as we emerged Spartans! In true Spartan fashion, we all celebrated with a free beer as we traded war stories and battle scars with fellow racers such as Batman, pink flying pigs, very attractive Spartan girls, and many other characters. The atmosphere was like that of a faire, albeit one with a high adrenaline and energy rush, with everyone having fun, celebrating, and honoring the victors with shouts and cheers. And, if we don't say so ourselves, the prizes given to the top 3 Spartan men and top 3 Spartan women were incredibly exquisite swords, handmade and custom engraved for these events. Although we only competed in this Spartan race, we supply the trophies for all the various Spartan races that are run. You can check out all our amazing trophies here.

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