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It's that time of year again....

Posted by MRL on Apr 19th 2010

Hey where've you been? Right there, oh, must be me then. Now pay attention.

Come see us and you won't be disappointed, at least with the product. We have our annual fire sale, not one Bruce Willis needs to be at although we wouldn't mind, but one for our company on May 22. A great chance to meet the staff and get monster savings on everything we sell. Regular current catalog merchandise 15% off, but the really cool thing is all discontinued items, one-ofs, prototypes, slightly damaged, etc. are at or below cost and we mean everything- clothing to weapons. You'll find items 50-80% off, but you need to be here. Call us if you can make it, 800-883-8838. This goes for our Atlanta Cutlery stuff too.

Licensed Stuff

Iron Man 2 will be all the rage soon and trust us, some really, really cool stuff is coming. We'll be debuting at the ComicCon in July and hit the DVD release. Why so late you ask? We're the last to get the complete reference material from the finished movie. We need to be as exacting as possible and until the movie is in the can changes can be made so we impatiently wait to get it right. You can be impatient too, we understand, but it's coming.

Robin Hood, just after IM2 comes the Ridley Scott epic which although about Robin of Loxley could be termed as Gladiator 2 which we frankly don't mind. That should tell you something about the great cast and feel the movie will convey and we'll have all the props and clothing to outfit your own band of Merry Men (and women) coming May.

New Catalogs
If you don't get your new catalogs in the next week or so call us and we'll get them out to you. Very exciting stuff including the debut of the Braveheart line and steampunk.

Talk at ya.

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