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Licensing Update

Posted by MRL on Dec 7th 2011

Hey everyone, it's been a while since we unveiled several Star Wars costumes such as Princess Leia, Han, and the Emperor and we know you're getting anxious for them. We decided to write this blog to give you a little better idea about the Star Wars costumes as well as keep you up-to-date on all the exciting pieces we'll be coming out with in 2012.

We're as excited as you are to finally get the Star Wars pieces made and ready to go and we're closer to that goal than we've ever been before. We've got a final few hurdles and issues to get over first but you can look for them in the first part of 2012! We've also got some secret outfits in the works for Star Wars and we are thrilled about these!

2012 is going to be a really fun year for everyone, not just Star Wars fans. We've got some new Assassin's Creed stuff coming out that is really cool and sure to be a fan favorite! There has been very little Wheel of Time merchandise out on the market recently but that will change soon as we'll be bringing you several weapons and outfits from Robert Jordan's epic novels. Harry Potter fans won't be disappointed either with our offering of several new outfits made famous by heroic and villainous characters from the books and films! Finally, check out the "Sneak Peak" album for a look at the upcoming outfits from the hilarious and classic film, Monty Python and the Holy Grail!

Now I can't tell you everything that we'll be coming out with next year as there is too much to tell; but, these are some of the bigger items that we're really looking forward to and hope that you are too! Finally, in honor of our brand new yet popular Create Your Own SwordTM program, we'll be bringing the Create Your Own theme to one or more of these licenses so get ready!

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