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Magic and the Force!

Posted by MRL on Jun 28th 2010

Wow, Harry Potter and Star Wars in the same sentence - take cover the world may explode! Sorry, we get caught up in working and all that so it's been a while. Just so you know we'll have more staff to handle this bloggy stuff soon so we can keep you in the loop regularly. Sadly I won't be a regular, but I'm still watching you...I laugh at your Restraining Order!

We're proud to be a sponsor of the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imaginationevent taking place at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. It will be running into September so grab the padawans and head over. A full Star Wars museum of props and outfits (including our own), NASA stuff, Millennium Falcon rides, pod races, and the Jedi Experience which we are happy to say sold out. You can never have too many Jedi running amok.

We'll also be an awesome exhibiting presence at Comic Con in San Diego in July and Celebration V in Orlando in August for our full Star Wars line (I do mean full, for the first time, and much of it shipping), our new complete Harry Potter line of movie quality replica clothing, Iron Man 2 items and much more. Yep, we're going to dazzle you if you go.

We'll be giving away money (well, gift cards with $10-$100 on them) plus a Harry Potter special hand out made just for Comic Con.

Really, we hope to see as many of you as possible, we value you more than you know, you complete us.

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