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Return from Comic Con

Posted by MRL on Jul 29th 2009

Holy Shmoly Batman, what a show! That SDCC will really tire you out, but in a good way. We had a great time meeting all of you that could make it and it was a super mix of people too from the 501st, our stores and newbies to our line. It was all quite exciting, even if we did have to scream over the Old Republic trailer all day (which was way cool BTW).

Thanks to all of you for the great and encouraging comments. We're glad our hard work is being noticed and we can't wait to start shipping all the cool products from Star Wars, Marvel (the RT unit & Wolverine jacket were smash hits) plus Conan.

We're absolutely thrilled to announce (to those who follow our awesome blogs first) that we have secured an 8 picture deal with Warner Bros for the Harry Potter franchise. I'll wait for you to sit down...catch your breath...there, now isn't that better? Every character from every movie given the same meticulous treatment to screen authenticity for costumes/clothing that we're giving to Star Wars. Even you Muggles can buy these official Hogwarts replicas. Beginning spring 2010.

Soooo, I guess it's time to get to work huh? These great pieces won't make themselves and we certainly want them (a few at least) available for Xmas!

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