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Sword Collecting Tips for the Beginner

Posted by MRL on Jan 22nd 2019

Starting a sword collection is like collecting timeless artifacts. Swords are a big deal. These are weapons that have influenced countless historical battles and played a large role in shaping the world we know today. If you want to start a sword collection and stumble across an irresistible original blade and have the means to buy it, great! However, if money is a constraint, there are still some amazing replicas in the market to get you started.

The following is a sword collecting guide, if you will, for the beginner...

Research. Swords come in all shapes and sizes and from different geographical locations and periods in history. If you have already decided on the type of sword you want to start your collection, research about it thoroughly. The Internet has volumes of information. (Here, ensure to visit authentic sites.) Also, there are sword magazines that offer knowledge of the types and prices of these weapons.

Budget. More often than not, you have to spend to get quality. Still, start with a sword that fits the budget. Remember, sword collecting is a long-term thing. With patience, you can build a special collection of blades.

Where to buy. So now that you've picked your sword and settled on a budget, you have to find a place to buy it. The Internet is the obvious answer. There are other places too, like specialized antique shops and private dealers.

As for online purchases, there are plenty of websites dedicated to selling swords, which have a wide range of choices. If you happen to find the sword you are looking for, check the customer reviews. If there's anything negative in them, don't hesitate to get in touch with the reviewer and find out what they didn't like about the product. It's your money you are investing, after all.

Where to display. Congratulations, you've bought your very first sword. Where are you going to keep it? It's understandable if you want to show it off to your friends. However, it's always wise to protect your investment. You can opt for a special case to keep the sword or just hang it in a place where it can be seen and admired but not unnecessarily touched, like high up on a wall.

Maintenance. Once in a while, you have to clean the sword. If you are not sure on how to go about this, there are plenty of tutorials online. With the right knowledge and cleaning solutions, maintaining the blade should not be much of a hassle.

How about starting your sword collection journey with us? We have enough variety and class in our catalog to tickle your fancy. Check this out.

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