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Updates and Other News

Posted by MRL on Feb 23rd 2010

Well now who likes to travel? I guess I do. I've been away from all of you and am leaving again for another business trip, so thanks for bearing with me. You really deserve better, well most of you.

The Arc Reactors from Iron Man are shipping, woooooooooo! Only about 2400 will be made (exact count TBD) and the majority are gone so act soon. You may have only another month at this rate to make up your mind and we don't want you kicking yourself later. C'mon we all have a little super hero in us.

Star Wars items will start shipping next week. We hoped this week, but you know how timing goes with licensed stuff.

Assassin's Creed 2 Ezio is nearing completion and is one of the coolest outfits we've ever made. Even if you're not a fan, this Renaissance style outfit is awesome, elegant, sartorial and killer. Weapons and clothing coming around April/May for pre-order.

2 new old licenses were reacquired by us and we're proud to have the classic Gladiator and LOTR licenses back where they belong. Clothing, armor, LARP is all on the way this year.

Braveheart is fully approved and in production. You know you want to be William Wallace or Isabella, and you deserve the real, screen accurate deal. Definitive and never done before for true fans and history buffs. Then Sleepy Hollow...

Finally, we've put our unique stamp on Steampunk. Our sections will be loaded these coming weeks with gadgets, gizmo's, clothing and more. We're your steampunk HQ and proud of it. The Victorian Age melded with early Industrial Sci-fi never looked so good.

Well that should be enough to chew on for now. Need more, try a Snickers, I hear your cravings will go to Germany.

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