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Where have I been?

Posted by MRL on May 10th 2007

Hey all, I just flew back from LA and boy are my arms... well you get the idea. Sorry it's been so long, but the news I have from this trip is well worth the wait.

First- MARVEL, what nice people. Due to the prop license we have with them we got sneak peeks from the new Iron Man movie and WOW!!! Sorry you can't see them yet, but keep checking back because we'll be your best source when the Top Secret icon drops off the designs.

Second- we have agreed to a prop licensing deal with a huge gaming company. Stay tuned the official announcement will come in the next few weeks.

Third- many Dark Horse comics & graphic novels will be brought to life by us in a exclusive prop/clothing license to include all your favorites from anime and history to sci-fi and fantasy.

Whew, that was a lot to do in a few days. No, we haven't lost our focus or our minds we just see these great properties as avenues to show our stuff in a way you rarely get to see and enjoy.

Now off to bed.

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