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What is Battle Ready?

What is Battle Ready?

Battle Ready..........

For some it is nothing but sales speak, others blur the lines between reality and fantasy. We see this term used a lot and it has unfortunately garnered different interpretations, but it has never meant indestructible. We use the term ourselves, but very specifically and we design around its intent. We are a line of battle-ready weapon replicas in the historical sense. In short, our swords can do everything their historical counterparts could. In many cases, we perform better due to improved steels and controlled processes which all but eliminate variables that could weaken the blade. This applies to all our historical offerings, however, since the term is thrown about most often in relation to edged weapons we will concentrate on swords.  

It is extremely important to remember swords were NEVER intended to be used edge-to-edge against anything. Can you imagine a warrior purposefully damaging his only offensive weapon in battle, essentially disarming himself? They are tools of war with a simple purpose - do damage to another person. They are made to cut flesh and bone.

In reality, swords and other edged weapons do almost nothing that is portrayed in today's entertainment world. We are so far removed from the simple truth that we forget. From movies, TV, literature, and anime, the sword has been shown as this mythical weapon with magical properties that can never (at least rarely) be nicked, chipped, or God forbid broken no matter what it hits.

If not treated properly and with respect, any sword will break or show irreversible damage if used the way they are seen in the entertainment media today. This goes for all swords from any maker. The key here is "entertainment".  Weapons today seem destined to live in the realm of what if. These were not to be entertaining diversions, but tools of war.

Windlass Steelcrafts heat treats our swords in computer-controlled ovens for proper flex and temper. We use mid to high carbon steels, depending on sword, with a full tang. We either screw or peen the pommels depending on the style of sword, both were common methods historically.

So what does this come down to? Use the right tool for the job. Does a carpenter cut lengths of wood with a hammer and chisel or axe? No, they use their saws and such. Does a lumberjack use sandpaper to take down an oak, nope, there's this nifty thing called an axe. So... "My car model passed the crash test, why can't I drive it through that brick wall and drive away happy?", because it's not a wrecking ball.

What tool is right for my need?

-Historically, practice took place with whalebone or wood as replacements for your treasured sword.  

-Practicing katas, or movements and cutting air to perfect your skills? By all means use a real "live" sword, but use it with care and unsharpened edges. A mistake can mean a hospital visit otherwise.

-Practicing live steel combat or need something for theatrical purposes like a stage play or movie? You need a specific stage combat weapon meant to stand up to edge-to-edge beatings.  Usually of high carbon steel or tempered aluminum. This means a sword with a thick blade, fuller tang, and rolled edges and tip.

-Cutting down a tree? Please use an axe or saw.

-Question about what you need? Give us a call. We've been at this since 1984.

Finally, Strange But True.

These seem odd to us, but some folks had other ideas...here are some true incidents about what NOT to do with your edged collectible.

1) Chipping ice out of your driveway, slamming the edge eventually into concrete
2) Attempting to cut through cinder blocks
3) Stabbing car doors
4) Chopping down mature trees
5) Sharpened edge-to-edge bashing like you see in the movies
6) Using a mace or war hammer to tear down walls
7) Attempting to turn a falchion into a crowbar and pry open a door


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