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Steampunk: Origins and Elements

Posted by MRL on Feb 28th 2017

The term "Steampunk" has gained tremendous popularity over the years and today we have books, movies and TV shows inspired by this phenomenon. So, what exactly is Steampunk? This genre is based on the late 19th century but got its name in 1987. Author K.W. Jeter coined the term as a tongue-in-cheek reference to cyberpunk, which was a rage in the 1980s, to describe works on alternate history and steam power that he'd published along with his frien...
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Fashion of Ancient Greece

Posted by MRL on Feb 21st 2017

An appropriate word to describe Ancient Greek clothing would be "minimalist." Clothes were typically rectangular in shape, rarely cut and worn in various ways with little or no sewing required. Women were responsible for making them and the clothes were usually crafted from linen, silk, and wool. The style and type of garment depended on the individual and the occasion. A chiton was the most basic type of tunic for Greek men. It was typically f...
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Stories of the Immortals!

Posted by MRL on Feb 16th 2017

Being in the business of sword manufacture can lead to some interesting finds around the office. You can find miscellaneous weapons in different stages of production, sketches of marvelous new clothing designs as well as various baubles and medieval decor pieces. One of my favorites though has to be new books to read! Fantasies filled with swordplay and adventure! For many, it's were the journey all began. It wouldn't be fair to keep it all to my...
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