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Swords of the Middle Ages

Posted by MRL on Jun 7th 2016

The Middle Ages or Medieval Period covers quite a large amount of history. Beginning in the 5th century, it spans all the way into the 15th century. Naturally, such a long period of time allows for numerous changes in weaponry. While we can't cover all of them in a single sitting, here are some common types of medieval swords. The Classic Medieval Sword While the name may not conjure images of greatness, it is apt. When people tend to visu...
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Learning about Chain Mail

Posted by MRL on Jun 6th 2016

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" - Aristotle This is the driving principle of chain mail (that's how I'm spelling it). A small ring of metal becomes life-saving armor when properly linked together. Used in many forms and design styles over the ages, we still see chain mail in use today in both practical and ornamental ventures such as fashion or butcher's mail. Easily most recognizable is the standard European 4-in-1 style of mail...
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A Royal Father's Day Deal!

Posted by MRL on Jun 2nd 2016

"Carried by my father, and his father before him..." There is something sacred in the traditions of lineage. There was once a time that the rite of manhood was only achieved after handing down ownership of the family sword. While that tradition may not be active today it can still be fun. But what's that? Your father has no sword to bequeath? What a terrible misfortune! But luckily for you Museum Replicas has your back! Starting June 2nd and cont...
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