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Sale ends this Sunday!

Posted by MRL on May 30th 2015

Ok, so this is the last shout out on our Pleaser Shoe Sale. It ends this Sunday. Are you still on the fence? Some of these shoes are over 50% off! Some of them are even brand new editions! Don't wind up kicking yourself barefoot later, check us out today!...
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Last Chances!

Posted by MRL on May 28th 2015

We may be winding down but we're not out yet! With the end of the month coming you only have two more weekends to attend the GA Ren Faire so don't delay! We are still having our Pleaser shoe sale as well, continuing until May 31st! Plus as more work goes into our website we are thinking about having a photo sharing hashtag, how does #castleswords sound to you?...
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Shoe Sale!

Posted by MRL on May 22nd 2015

What? Didn't we just have our biggest sale event of the year? Yes. Yes, we did. But that wasn't enough. You still want more, don't you? Well, here it is! Starting tomorrow the 22nd and ending on May 31st all of the Pleaser brand shoes will be on sale! Some will even be over 50% OFF! So treat your feet and have a great week!...
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