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New Helmets!

Posted by MRL on Nov 21st 2013

This just in! Brand new helms! First the Norman Spagenhelm (300455). Now I know how everyone loves a good Norman helm and this is no exception. Beautiful, hand formed steel reinforced with metal bands and heavy rivets make this classic stand out. But not to be outdone is our new Visored Bascinet (300454) . This full protection helm w/ hinged visor are true knightly staples for the 14th century. As an added bonus by lifting the 2 securing pins th...
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How well do you know Medieval Wordology?- Part 3

Posted by MRL on Nov 15th 2013

Ready for another round? Here we go: 1) In Greek mythology what is the name of the indestructible shield forged by the gods showing a depiction of the gorgon Medusa? 2) What makes the Holy Grail so holy? 3) The tree that stands central in Norse cosmology is called what? 4) What would you do with a fletch? 5) What is the 16th-century term for the crossguard of a sword? 6) A free-standing shield for archers and crossbowmen wa...
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This November!

Posted by MRL on Nov 5th 2013

Hello November! Here at Museum Replicas we're super thankful for what's to come this month. Now for something completely different...think being a teen was hard, it's so much more difficult when you're the progeny of gods! Luckily you'll be able to get the mythical sword Riptide of Percy Jackson to help you through your next odyssey. Do you feel it? We do too. Winter is coming...but not before our Game of Thrones collection of costumes and LA...
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