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The Musketeers

Posted by MRL on Apr 28th 2011

Little represents the glory, power, and strength of France better than the musketeers. Romanticized, idolized, and immortalized by modern movies, books, and legends, the musketeer has taken on an almost mythological status in modern minds - and for good reason. Their prowess in battle, dashing style, dangerous lifestyle and romantic demeanor all seem to represent the perfect qualities of a man. Women wanted them and men wanted to be them. This v...
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The High Sea Adventures of Pirates

Posted by MRL on Apr 14th 2011

Steel Clashing. Muskets firing. Cannons booming. Specters appearing through thick smoke with death in their eyes. You've not dreaming; you're under attack from the scourge of the open seas: Pirates. When most people think of Pirates today they picture the ever-memorable Captain Jack Sparrow from the motion picture Pirates of the Caribbean. You know what I mean-- the pirate bandana, the tricorn hat, loose shirt and pants with and an outer vest...
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Make Halloween count this year!

Posted by MRL on Oct 13th 2010

It’s nice to feel the cool weather again. Not just because it’s a break from the heat, but it also means that Halloween is right around the corner! So what are you going to be? Have you picked out a costume yet? Or maybe you’re just having a rough time deciding. We can help you out! As always, you can choose from our seemingly endless line of costumes, ensembles, and accouterments that we&aci...
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