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Spartan Tactics

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

They did not fight as one individual which was often the case with other armies, but as one unit combining strengths of the majority. This allowed them to stand tall in the face of adversity when other military units would fall apart. The Spartan battle tactic centered on a close rank advance that few could stand against. A toughened Spartan unit with no fear, standing shoulder to shoulder was an unnerving sight to behold.

The advance was made with their main weapon, not the sword as many books and movies would have you believe, but with the spear (600074). This was rarely thrown, but was held onto providing great reach to the enemy. The lines would stand shoulder to shoulder, shields leading the way and the first rank would thrust from beneath the traditional round shield (881004) while the rank behind would stab over it. This two pronged attack was rarely countered successfully, because if you covered up your lower body you were skewered from above and if you covered the head you were skewered from below. Any way you look at it, you did not want to be a foe facing this relentless advance.

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