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Museum Replicas and Atlanta Cutlery Alive and Well!

Posted by MRL on Jul 18th 2009

We've gotten a bit carried away telling you about all the great licensed stuff coming from Conan, Marvel, Star Wars, Assassin's Creed 1&2, World of Warcraft, Braveheart...gasp...must...catch...breath...Sleepy Hollow, Tudors, Prince Valiant...gasp...Flash Gordon - OK you get the idea, that we failed to tell you about all the new historical and original fantasy clothing and weapons.While perusing the site take a look at Blacksword,...
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Busy, busy, busy...

Posted by MRL on Oct 17th 2007

See!!! That's me hard at work, probably talking to one of you. You thought I was lying about how busy we are didn't you? C'mon admit it.This is one of our busiest seasons of the year, add in our hot, high demand licenses and great historical clothing and you've got a recipe for disaster, uh I mean great times for all!On a serious note, all of our great customers have needed to be a little more patient with us this month and we appreciate that. We...
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Weapon Focus - Dresden Rapier

Posted by MRL on Jan 1st 2007

The historically inspired Dresden rapier allows for a quick change so you can use a either a one or two handed fighting style. This classically designed rapier has an extended grip so both hands can effectively cut or chop. But you can easily remove the dagger sheathed in the main grip, perfect for a two handed approach or to use alone in close quarters where a sword is not practical. This unique weapon is made of tempered high carbon steel by W...
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