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So here we are again and loving every minute of it!

Posted by MRL on Jul 14th 2009

SDCC:We know tickets are scarce and even if you could find one you may not be able to go. We feel your pain and will be updating our website with pre-order pages for cool items like Star Wars that will debut at the Con. Each year we'll try to bring a bit more of the show to you at home. A small reward for visiting us though will come in the form of a Museum Replicas gift card. We'll be giving them out FREE to anyone coming to our booth (one per...
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Where did the historical go?

Posted by MRL on Sep 21st 2007

https://www.museumreplicas.com/Content/Images/0000540_0.jpeg Boy, in all the exciting licensing who-ha lately I almost forgot to tell you that our historical line of clothing (yes, real clothing) for men and women, accessories, jewelry, gift and home items plus weapons and armor is better and bigger than ever. If you haven't seen our beautiful full color catalogs lately, call us at 800-883-8838 to request one. It's free and you'll be glad y...
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