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Crusades Armor – Steel for the Warrior of Faith

Posted by MRL on Dec 29th 2016

For Templar knights called upon to defend their faith and kingdom, a robustCrusades armor was paramount. What sort of helmet did they wear? What about greaves? Shields? Vambraces? Let us find out. During the first two Crusades, a knight would be literally covered in mail armor, primarily to protect against the broadsword. While the broadsword was not the sharpest tool in the enemy's armory, its mass and the momentum of the rider in a running...
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3rd Crusade

Posted by MRL on Jul 12th 2011

July 1190 Richard I of England and Philip II of France began their march towards the Middle East, taking part in the 3rd Crusade launched against the Muslim held "Holy Land". The Seljuk Turks had originally taken Jerusalem and the surrounding cities from the Byzantine Empire. The 1st Crusade had reconquered the "Holy Land" from the Turks. Under the leadership of Sultan Saladin, founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, Muslim forces retook Jerusalem agai...
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