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The Samurai

Posted by MRL on Aug 27th 2020

Code of Bushido Little represents the idolized samurai and their code of bushido better than their sword, the katana. Although not the only weapon available to samurai, the sword is the only weapon that has remained constant to the samurai throughout time. The katana (long sword), the wakizashi (medium sword) and the tanto (short sword) haven't always been the primary weapon of choice for warfare, however. Yabusame, the art of horseback archery,...
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Samurai Swords Significance - History, Recent Past and Today

Posted by MRL on Jul 18th 2019

Samurai swords are iconic weapons in history as well as literature and film. The famed Samurai have used this effective weapon for hundreds of years. From Musashi to Highlander and Kill Bill the sword has taken on an almost mythic status. The handmade nature of the sword produces art and is an art onto itself. Folding the Japanese steel and differential tempering the blade gives this highly effective sword an extremely hard and razor-sharp edge w...
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The Japanese Samurai Sword- A history well preserved

Posted by MRL on Apr 18th 2016

The Japanese Samurai sword is legendary and even a mention of this sword inspires both awe and reverence. It is actually hard to separate the Samurai warrior from the sword he wields, as the weapon is so fused to his personality, almost a natural extension of his physicality. Samurai warriors eulogized virtues such as bravery, fierce family pride, and selflessness. They were followers of "The Way of the Warrior" or Bushido, the path of the warrio...
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