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Phantom News

Posted by MRL on Jun 5th 2007

http://www.comicbookreligion.com/img/p/h/Phantom_Walker_2.jpgWell, no more Stooges references for awhile. My female cohorts are giving me a pretty hard time (I guess it's genetic). I don't know why, they're hilarious...Anyway Phantom news doesn't mean no news, it means that our King Features licensed products are finally getting ready for release and it starts with the quintessential action hero and one many believe started it all- The Ghost Wh...
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Progress Report

Posted by MRL on Jun 1st 2007

https://i.pinimg.com/736x/9c/10/7c/9c107cf1933dc1cdb812a5d00bc46f90--the-three-stooges-famous-people.jpg I bet you all expected a progress report on the other fun things we're up to? Well, I've got nothin, nyuk nyuk nyuk. C'mon why would I be writing? Actually something did break for us recently. We acquired a license from Showtime based on their series The Tudor's for clothing, armor and weapons. We'll even be designing props to be used on set f...
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Comic Con Look Out!

Posted by MRL on May 30th 2007

http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m38/jovsg/Comic_Con2009/ComicCon.jpg Join us in San Diego for fun and hi jinks during this years Comic Con July 26-29. We're officially announcing our latest licenses and showing off the very first prototypes from many of them. We only have so many bibs to go around to clean up drool, so BYOB!You'll be the first to see MARVEL props from Iron Man, X-Men and Thor plus many more. And drum roll please............a f...
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