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Things have taken a turn...

Posted by MRL on Jul 12th 2007

http://rs33.pbsrc.com/albums/d95/mustlovepirates05/Pirates%20of%20the%20Caribbean/piratemap.jpg?w=280&h=210&fit=crop Let me know if you see us on the map anywhere, because we're lost (in our computer woes). OK, it's slightly better than that, but we do need to take the next few days and work out the kinks. We thought we could do it on the fly, but whoa, were we wrong. Thursday and Friday of this week and through the weekend, we'll be...
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The Attack of the New Software...aaaahhh!!

Posted by MRL on Jul 6th 2007

Hide the women and children, make sure your Wills are up-to-date, kiss your loved ones one last time or love the one you're with (sorry about that last one), we're unleashing the dreaded New Software Monster!Monster is definitely the right term and it's going as smooth as you might expect.Sooooo, I'm beggin you to be patient while we run the beast to ground. Hopefully you won't ever see the beast rear its ugly head, but if you are one of the unfo...
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Happy 4th of July!!!!!

Posted by MRL on Jul 3rd 2007

First, we'd like to wish a very happy and safe 4th to you and yours from all of us at Atlanta Cutlery, Museum Replicas and Windlass Studios.For those of you who haven't heard, Windlass Studios is our collectibles arm and responsible for all the super cool licensed products coming from Marvel, World of Warcraft, Frank Miller, and others. As if that wasn't fun...I mean work enough, this division will be responsible for historical limited edition pi...
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