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Renaissance Wear for Men – Ren Faire Costume Ideas

Posted by MRL on Mar 27th 2019

Renaissance Faire costumes are not that hard to get. If you are looking for an ensemble, we have a range of high-quality clothing relating to that period. Renaissance festivals offer a lot of liberties when it comes to costumes. Still, it makes sense to look as true to the era as possible. So, what did Renaissance gentlemen wear?Men's clothing in the Renaissance period featured a lot of layers. Shirts were full and gathered at the wrists and neck...
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Georgia Renaissance Festival – Back with the Fun

Posted by MRL on Mar 12th 2019

The first Georgia Renaissance Festival was held in 1986 and it has grown bigger and better with each passing year. This time around, it is scheduled from April 13 through June 2. The 34th edition of the fair is certain to be another proper celebration of an important period in history. The festival never disappoints. The 32-acre Village of Newcastle is filled with artisan craft shops, 10 stages of fun, great pubs, taverns and a whole lot more. It...
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Classification of Medieval and Renaissance Swords

Posted by MRL on Feb 25th 2019

Swords in the Middle Ages and other historical periods were most likely just called "swords." There were no names given to them. Over time, however, historians began to associate the blades with specific names resulting in their present-day nomenclature.So, how many types of swords were there?It's difficult to answer that with any certainty. What we will do in this blog is differentiate popular European medieval and Renaissance swords in terms of...
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