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Renaissance Sword Types - the complete guide

Posted by MRL on Apr 30th 2019

The Renaissance is timed differently depending on the country, but generally saw similar advancements in warfare and weapons. The 1400's to 1500's saw military technology which both provided unheard of protections with the addition of plate mail to chain, but also saw ways to get passed those defenses. Hand-to-hand battles were beginning to be replaced with more remote and devastating technology which could do more damage from afar. Artillery and...
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Classification of Medieval and Renaissance Swords

Posted by MRL on Feb 25th 2019

Swords in the Middle Ages and other historical periods were most likely just called "swords." There were no names given to them. Over time, however, historians began to associate the blades with specific names resulting in their present-day nomenclature.So, how many types of swords were there?It's difficult to answer that with any certainty. What we will do in this blog is differentiate popular European medieval and Renaissance swords in terms of...
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Were medieval and Renaissance swords cumbersome?

Posted by MRL on Feb 26th 2018

Medieval swords are regularly portrayed in the media as ungainly, cumbersome tools that are most effective in the hands of brawny men. But, was that the case in reality? Think about it. Why would soldiers carry weapons weighing upwards of 30 lbs when the speed of movement was paramount in the melee of the medieval battlefield? The wide, exaggerated sword swings depicted on the screen are exactly that - exaggerated. So, why the misconception? It...
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