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Mardi Gras is here!

Posted by MRL on Feb 17th 2015

Time to party! Happy Mardi Gras everyone! Here's hoping to safe times and lots of fun! If you're short on masks or costumes you know MRL has your back! Also look in our new products section to see all the new Cold Steel products that have been added!...

Fall in love with Valentine's Day savings!

Posted by MRL on Feb 6th 2015

Valentine's is the best holiday to show the special people in your life how much they mean to you. We here at Museum Replicas have put together a list of Valentine's goodies all going on sale to show our appreciation of you! As an added bonus, all the items on our Gift Ideas section will be 20% OFF when the code VAL2015 is used at checkout!...
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Archangel and MRL at AnachroCon!

Posted by MRL on Jan 30th 2015

With less than a month away, we would like to make sure that all of our fans know that Archangel from the Winter's End Chronicles will have a booth at AnachroCon, February 27th - March 1st, 2015. In case you are unfamiliar with this amazing convention, it is one of the premiere steampunk shows in the nation and the true flagship con of Georgia. We ask all of our fans to check out AnachroCon's website and Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/An...
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