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The Tower of London and its Bloody Tower

Posted by MRL on Jan 26th 2020

The famous Tower of London was first built by William the Conqueror for the purpose of protecting and controlling the city. It originally lay within the earlier Roman city walls, but it was enlarged in the 13th century stretching to the east beyond those confines. Eighteen acres in all (including the now dry moat), you will find it covers the borough of Tower Hamlets today.The architecture within the walls is of all styles that flourished in Engl...
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Swordsman Skills and Japan

Posted by MRL on Jan 23rd 2020

Ah, the stories of Japanese skill with swords and their style of fighting has reached epic proportions in film and literature hasn't it? Like most things, some of the hype is warranted, but much of it isn't. Tall tales have simply grown taller in the retelling.Individual skill with the sword reached its greatest period in Japan after the Tokugawa Shogunate was established in the early 17th century. Ironically, this was a peaceful period that saw...
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Sci-Fi Day!

Posted by MRL on Jan 2nd 2020

Do you like movies, TV and reading a good story? We do too, and the chances are you came across the genre of science fiction in at least some of those stories. It may still be unofficial, but National Science Fiction Day on January 2nd is the perfect day to celebrate the amazing worlds opened to us through Sci-fi.Sci-fi has produced aliens that terrify like Predator and those that can tug at our heartstrings like E.T. Can zoom us to different pla...
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