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Notable Women of the Middle Ages

Posted by MRL on Mar 29th 2020

Every year March is dedicated as Women's History Month, set aside to honor women's contributions in history. To note this occasion let's talk about a few of the famous women of the Middle Ages. 1. Joan of Arc, Maid of OrleansAn ordinary peasant girl with no prior military experience, Joan persevered through repeated obstacles until she was allowed to join the French military army. She led a French army to the besieged city of Orleans and partici...
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The Delicate Art of Embroidery

Posted by MRL on Feb 24th 2020

The art of decorating a piece of fabric or any other material for that matter has been practiced for centuries. People all around the world have used them at some or the other point in time. Recorded history, paintings, and sculptures from many ancient civilizations have shown people wearing or using embroidered clothes. In other words, primitive humankind was quick to figure out that the stitches can do more than joining the animal skins togethe...
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Spartan VS Knight Training

Posted by MRL on Feb 2nd 2020

So when did the path to knighthood and to a Spartan warrior begin?Knights belonged to the noble class and were part of a military order, but not all soldiers could become knights. Those lacking the equipment, status or wealth to join an order were usually denied. However, some from the poorer class could elevate their status and be accepted into knighthood through valor on the battlefield.Becoming a page was usually the first step most took in th...
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