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The Renaissance

Posted by MRL on Aug 27th 2020

Bastille Day As you can imagine, millions of French people all over the world celebrate Bastille Day, a holiday that honors democracy and equality in France. A symbol of power and unity to those struggling against tyranny.On the day of July 14, 1789, which was early on in the French Revolution, mobs broke out in protest against the monarchy. One such mob stormed the Bastille Fortress in Paris. Why? It was a main source of weapons and...
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The Pirates

Posted by MRL on Aug 27th 2020

Steel Clashing. Muskets firing. Cannons booming. Specters appearing through thick smoke with death in their eyes. You're not dreaming; you're under attack from the scourge of the open seas: Pirates. When most people think of Pirates today they picture the ever memorable Captain Jack Sparrow from the motion picture Pirates of the Caribbean. You know what I mean-- the pirate  bandana, the tricorn hat, loose shirt and pants wi...
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7 Facts to Know About the Vikings : History

Posted by MRL on Jul 16th 2020

Oh lord, deliver us from the Northmen…The first thing that seems to come up with “Vikings” is the name itself. One should note that the term Viking is actually a Nordic term for the act of going on a raid and was never used to name a particular people. It referred to all Scandinavians and what they did, not who they were. But regardless of what country they were from, if you were from England (one of the easiest places to get to for raiders) they...
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