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Busy, busy, busy...

Posted by MRL on Oct 17th 2007

See!!! That's me hard at work, probably talking to one of you. You thought I was lying about how busy we are didn't you? C'mon admit it.This is one of our busiest seasons of the year, add in our hot, high demand licenses and great historical clothing and you've got a recipe for disaster, uh I mean great times for all!On a serious note, all of our great customers have needed to be a little more patient with us this month and we appreciate that. We...
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Guess Who?

Posted by MRL on Oct 4th 2007

How cool is this movie going to be? After spending time with Marvel and Stan Winston Studios I can assure you that these props are amazing. (Yeah, I'd be jealous too.)Working with them has been great and the reference material and props have been more than we could have hoped for. Now for the hard part- replicating them for you. Now let's see, if a train leaves Chicago at 55 mph and another leaves Cleveland at...wow, this is going to be harder th...
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Spartan Gear Arriving!

Posted by MRL on Oct 3rd 2007

This is (soon to be) SPARTA!!!!You've been patient, well most of you anyway. More shipments are arriving of our hugely popular and real replicas from the amazing Frank Miller graphic novel 300. All sku's will be coming in starting this week and arriving in various shipments through this month and next. If you haven't ordered and you're thinking Halloween, you're sorely out of luck. These items are sold out through Nov. Think about yourself, I me...
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