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Iron Man Update

Posted by MRL on Sep 12th 2007

www.ironmanmovie.com Yeah, the trailer is here!!!!If you don't want this stuff, check your pulse.We're looking forward to bringing you the coolest props from the movie, made real and wearable (when possible). You may not be able to fly like Stark, but you don't have your pilot's license anyway, so does it really matter?Probable April/May release for the props (explosions and flames will cost extra...)...
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A big thank you to all our Dragon Con visitors!

Posted by MRL on Sep 5th 2007

See what happens if you don't visit our booth (the best booth at Dragon Con)?Thanks to you Dragon Con was a huge success and we really appreciate all of you that stopped by to see our Marvel, 300, Drizzt, anime, The Phantom and other products. We couldn't do it without you.We'll be back in 2008 at the Marriott August 29 - Sept 1, so start saving those pennies.For all of you that couldn't make it (no lame excuse necessary) please visit our we...
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Frank Miller's 300 is hot!

Posted by MRL on Aug 22nd 2007

Wow, thanks for the overwhelming response to our Spartan items from Frank Miller's graphic novel 300. They're true to Frank's original intention and of course, they're real which makes them incredibly cool.Order yours soon, really, the first two shipments sold out before they hit the shores and the next are destined for the same. Halloween and Xmas are closer than you think and these are proving to be the hottest collectible to own.Take a look at...
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