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Spartan Upbringing

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Well consider this- training started at the tender age of 5 providing you passed physical scrutiny upon birth as a prime specimen of a boy without defect. There were no fond farewells, boys were simply taken upon reaching this age to live in barracks as a pack or unit and encouraged from the start with competitive play against other packs.

By age 10 they had been taught to read and write and their physical exercise was increased. An important activity was dancing (of all things) with their weapons until all movement with the weapons became ingrained and natural. Movement was the key to the warriors success and the ability to freely move was paramount.

By 12 they would have learned all of the Spartan war songs and their military training would begin in earnest. The journey to manhood also meant they would have their hair cut short, their tunics would be taken away and instead they were given a cloak in its place to fend off what ever the elements threw at them.

To toughen their feet they would go barefoot at all times and to further the bestial mentality they would eat very little always keeping them aggressive and hungry for more. They were allowed to supplement this diet of course by testing their cunning by stealing, but with a heavy punishment if caught- not for stealing, but for being caught!

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