The Viking Order
Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006
The Vikings were extremely fierce in battle and considered by those they attacked as blood thirsty barbarians. Some of this reputation came from the Viking code of ethics that allowed for blood feuds to be common place. And in fulfilling this code nothing was deemed out of bounds. There's even evidence of battles involving multiple men against another man. Maybe not fair by todays standards, but back then justice could be enforced by anyone wrong...
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Viking Ships
Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006
The Viking was a terror on land but maybe more known for the trouble caused from their now famous long ships (801300). Any coastal European town that could be reached in the high prowed, low draft ships was fair game. Even amongst themselves, wars were fought frequently from the decks of these large warships....
Vikings Outside the North
Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006
The Viking warrior had no trouble finding work whether by proof on the battlefield or by reputation alone. They served as mercenaries as far as Constantinople. Their travels took them as far west as America, but the settlements in the Americas were not as successful....