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Top 10 Popular Battle-Ready Movie Swords of All Time (in our opinion)

Posted by MRL on Jul 11th 2019

The film industry has certainly provided us with many memorable duels and sword fights. From Douglas Fairbanks and Errol Flynn to Russell Crowe and Mark Hamill. There are many we could have listed that would have been worthy of this list, but this is a Top Ten list and here are our favorites: 10) Sword of Ibelin, carried with honor during the Crusade battles by Orlando Bloom in Kingdom of Heaven. This Ridley Scott epic takes place during the Cr...
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Swords we’re excited about in 2019

Posted by MRL on Jun 21st 2019

Fortunately, if you're a sword lover, the beautiful, brutal at times and elegant sword is still readily available. Whether you enjoy just looking at them and handling them from time to time or fighting, we seem to have an innate desire for sharp pointy thingsThis year's offerings are no exception and keep us engaged and excited about not only the swords, but their makers. A skilled smith can truly turn metal into a work of functional art. We incl...
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Welcome to MuseumReplicas.com

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

   Welcome to Museum Replicas, your ultimate source for all things historical. From Greeks, Romans, Vikings and Medieval Weapons to the Renaissance and LARP, you'll find what you are looking for in high quality period clothing for men & women and battle worthy armor and weapons a knight would cherish. Plus plenty of jewelry and accessories a queen would adore. Whether you are royalty or just...
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