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Swords we’re excited about in 2019

Posted by MRL on Jun 21st 2019

Fortunately, if you're a sword lover, the beautiful, brutal at times and elegant sword is still readily available. Whether you enjoy just looking at them and handling them from time to time or fighting, we seem to have an innate desire for sharp pointy thingsThis year's offerings are no exception and keep us engaged and excited about not only the swords, but their makers. A skilled smith can truly turn metal into a work of functional art. We incl...
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Types and Qualities of Steel Used in the Knife & Sword Industry

Posted by MRL on Jan 1st 2007

1065-1095 High Carbon - superior sharpening ability with good edge retention and great shock absorbsion, appropriate for larger knives and swords420 and 420HC Stainless Steel - good all-purpose stainless steel which is less expensive and softer to work, making it ideal when cost, workability and ease of maintenance are issues. Superior sharpenability, fair edge retention, fair corrosion resistance. Common for less expensive knives and sword...
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