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Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Code of Bushido Little represents the idolized samurai and their code of bushido better than their sword, the katana. Although not the only weapon available to samurai, the sword is the only weapon that has remained constant to the samurai throughout time. The katana (long sword), the wakizashi (medium sword) and the tanto (short sword) haven't always been the primary weapon of choice for warfare, however. Yabusame, the art of horseback arch...
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Ancient Greece - Spartan Agoge

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Most, if not all, of the reasons for Spartan dominance on the battlefield can be attributed to their incredibly strenuous and brutal training regiment, the agoge. Even before beginning the agoge, newborn Spartan boys underwent a highly in-depth physical scrutiny to make sure the newborn was without flaws. Any that did not pass the examination were left out in the country to die. Then, between ages five to seven, the boy was taken to begin trainin...
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