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Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

There were many wars in the UK fought by the four sections of the island.  Through ages the Romans, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Normans and later a unified England were all embattled at one time or another with the Celts of Scotland, Wales and Ireland. ...
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Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

As warriors the Celts were very fierce.  The women held some renown also as they fought side by side with the men.  It is in Ireland where great tales, like those of Cuchulainn tell us of the Irish fighting code.  Incredibly it was not uncommon to have whole armies wait for battle on the field of champions deciding the interior conflict and appropriate course of action before these barbaria...
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Way of Life

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

At one time the Celts were as far ranging as Turkey and Spain.  They advanced out of Gaul with a dominate presence in the UK and pillaged Thrace and Macedonia, sacked Delphi and even sacked Rome itself.  From 500 BC to 43 AD they were the dominant European power.  Incredibly they never were a nation as we know it; they were simply a loosely unified group of individual tribes with a shared belief...
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