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Forging Swords

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Every sword Windlass® makes is proudly hand forged by master bladesmiths from a single ingot of high carbon steel. Windlass chooses the designations 1065, 1075, 1085, or 1095 depending on the application. After the ingot is heated and hammered (sometimes by as many as 3 smiths alternating different sized hammers!) into its general shape a highly experienced grinder gives it its final shape and the blade is polished.Tempering takes place to relie...
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Weapons of the Romans

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

As for their sidearm, the Roman soldier was never far from his trusty short sword, the gladius (500360). The gladius was normally worn on a baldric (200368) and slung over the shoulder to hang across the body on the opposite hip. History shows us most were worn on the right hip for a pull draw as opposed to a cross draw as this type of draw was impeded by the scutum. There were several patterns of gladius and it was not unusual for mixed types to...
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