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The Ancient World- Greece

Posted by MRL on Oct 21st 2020

Greece – Culture, Politics and War The evolution of the political system in ancient Greece was closely mimicked by the evolution of war itself. When most people think of ancient Greece they think of their philosophy, theater, democracy, the hoplite soldier and so on. What most don’t realize, however, is this view of ancient Greece only applies to a certain period: the Classical Age of Greece. The Classical Age is when Greek influence t...
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Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

There were many wars in the UK fought by the four sections of the island.  Through ages the Romans, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Normans and later a unified England were all embattled at one time or another with the Celts of Scotland, Wales and Ireland. ...
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Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Every Celt was considered free upon birth as their right.  The Druidic leadership was a unifying force that bred loyalty within each tribe.  Elections took place in a fairly democratic system.  The people elected their chiefs and the chiefs then nominated a king.  Sounds pretty good for the people, but not always for the king; he could be deposed any time the people got together and de...
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