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The Medieval Tank

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

During the wild melee of battle, ranks mixed and battle often time broke down into a series of multiple duels or multi-soldier brawls. This confusion was perfect for a man on horseback with a sharp sword. The beast would cut a wide path and he could wade into almost any part of the battle he wanted and when he did you needed him to be from your camp or all was lost. Covered in mail dealing blows down on a lightly armed man the knight on horseback...
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Chivalric Values....a reminder

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

What does Chivalry mean today and does it even exist any longer? We'd like to think it does, but it does seem to have gotten a bit lost along the way. Today we feel holding a door open, putting a jacket over a puddle, helping an old lady across the street or simply thinking of others is pretty darn chivalric in nature. Sadly we often don't go farther than that. Truth is, it was deep and meaningful on many levels at one time and frankly, it should...
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