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Classification of Medieval and Renaissance Swords

Posted by MRL on Feb 25th 2019

Swords in the Middle Ages and other historical periods were most likely just called "swords." There were no names given to them. Over time, however, historians began to associate the blades with specific names resulting in their present-day nomenclature.So, how many types of swords were there?It's difficult to answer that with any certainty. What we will do in this blog is differentiate popular European medieval and Renaissance swords in terms of...
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Which Sword are You: One-handed or Two?

Posted by MRL on Mar 20th 2017

Which of these two medieval sword forms was the more effective weapon, the one-handed or the two-handed sword? This post will not attempt to influence opinion either way. What we will do is provide a summary for both and let you decide. So, here goes.Let's take arguably the most common of each of these swords, the one-handed Arming sword, and the two-handed Longsword, as reference points. The Arming sword measured about 28 - 31 inches and wa...
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