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Something About the Sword...

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

with John Clements I'm fascinated by the sword. The sword represents so many things in our civilization, despite it being a weapon obsolete for self-defense and war. The legacy and lore of the sword as an iconic artifact, as a symbolic emblem, as an object of mystery and legend, and as the chosen weapon of the just hero or the knightly warrior as well as the honorable duelist is something that continues to resonate with us. Pop...
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The Final Stand

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Sparta dominated Greece for nearly two centuries. They fought many wars against the other Greek states and fought two major wars with Persia alone and with the Peloponnesian League. Their army was depleted greatly by these wars and finally fell from power; ironically from a two pronged attack from above and below- a war with Thebes and a massive earthquake that hit Sparta killing thousands. Mother Nature did what no one else could. From their fie...
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