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Best Fall 2024 Renaissance Festivals Across the United States

Aug 26th 2024

It’s that time of year where summer comes to an end, and you may be wondering if there are still any good ren faires left to attend this year as we start to enter the fall season. Don’t fret! Some of the best ren faires across the country continue running well into the fall, and this is one of the best times of the year to experience and enjoy all that they have to offer. Listed below is a selection of the best renaissance faires taking pla...
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History of The Longquan Sword

Posted by MRL on Aug 13th 2024

History of The Longquan Sword
Museum Replicas launches new brands in Katana - Bushido and Shogun “The Longquan Sword began in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, more than 2,600 years ago. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, Ou Yizi, the originator of the sword master in Yue, was the founder of the Longquan sword. Ou Yizi was born during the period of disputes among the nations of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. He discovered the difference i...
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Gladiator Styles & Pairings

Posted by MRL on Feb 26th 2024

Gladiator Mosaic 320-30 AD Villa Borghese Despite what Hollywood would have you believe, gladiators were not given random weapons, sent into the arena and told to fight. When someone became a gladiator, they were assigned a specific type and style of fighting and practiced it constantly. A specific type of gladiator only fought another specific type of gladiator as determined by well established rules. These pairings were intended t...
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