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Swords of the Hobbit: The Blade of Bilbo Baggins and Beyond

Posted by MRL on Sep 22nd 2023

Going on an AdventureSome might say that young Bilbo Baggins was ill prepared for the dangers of the great wide world when he set off from the familiar safety of his comfortable armchair and lovely feather bed at his ancestral home of Bag End nestled in the rolling hills of the Shire. They may have been right. It wasn't until nearly making his way into the stew of three nasty trolls along with his dwarven companions that he would find the means t...
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Vikings of the Valley: Langeid Sword and Axe

Posted by MRL on Sep 16th 2023

The RoadNot all roads lead to Rome. Though some, like highway 9 near the village of Langeid in the Setesdal Valley of southern Norway, lead back in time. A routine infrastructure project connected to the highway revealed a viking era cultural treasure few could have ever imagined.The DiscoveryAn archaeology team from the University of Oslo was quickly called in and--as the layers of earth were removed, like pages in a book--Viking burial sites sp...
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Hundred Years' War: The Battle of Crecy

Posted by MRL on Aug 28th 2023

The Board is Set The Norman invasion of 1066 not only changed the course of English history forever, it would shape the future of France for centuries to come as well. The new English aristocracy formed under the feudal Franco-Norman conquerors ensured far reaching territorial claims on both sides of the English Channel. Roughly half of modern France's western territory would eventually come under their sway along with the formerly Saxon ruled...
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