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Thinking About Swords

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

With John Clements “The sword is the most noble of all arms, and is used by knights, by learned men, and by the skilled fighters; whence they make nature marvel that, with a piece of steel, a man may defend his person from any blow which might be aimed at him, either with the point or the edge…” - Master Guissepe Pallavincini, 1670   “If I had a hammer…”   In my work as a professional swordsman...
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Welcome to MuseumReplicas.com

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Welcome to Museum Replicas, your ultimate source for all things historical. From Greeks, Romans, Vikings and Medieval Weapons to the Renaissance and LARP, you'll find what you are looking for in high quality period clothing for men & women and battle worthy armor and weapons a knight would cherish. Plus plenty of jewelry and accessories a queen would adore. Whether you are royalty or just want to feel li...
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Roman Armor & Clothing

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

All troopers wore a helmet of steel and brass (300074) plus body armor, either a lorica segmentata (300176), made of steel lames or a lorica hamata, made of steel mail with shoulder doublings. As for the undergarments, very few articles were worn. There are examples of a loincloth or loose short being worn underneath and of course a long tunic (100042) overtop. During festivals and stately occasions a Roman would not be without his robes or toga...
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