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Spartan Tactics

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

They did not fight as one individual which was often the case with other armies, but as one unit combining strengths of the majority. This allowed them to stand tall in the face of adversity when other military units would fall apart. The Spartan battle tactic centered on a close rank advance that few could stand against. A toughened Spartan unit with no fear, standing shoulder to shoulder was an unnerving sight to behold. The advance was...
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Greece – Culture, Politics and War

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

The evolution of the political system in ancient Greece was closely mimicked by the evolution of war itself. When most people think of ancient Greece they think of their philosophy, theater, democracy, the hoplite soldier and so on. What most don't realize, however, is this view of ancient Greece only applies to a certain period: the Classical Age of Greece. The Classical Age is when Greek influence truly began to spread along with Greek culture....
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Ancient Greece- The Political System of Sparta

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

The Political System of Sparta The Spartan political mindset was war. Law forbade all Spartan males from any occupation other than that of being a soldier. Because of this, Sparta had the only full time army in all of Greece. Other Greek city states had an almost all militia army. They conducted war in a narrow season that was constructed around the planting and harvesting of crops as most men were farmers. Because of this, Sparta was...
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