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Slave Revolt

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Slave revolt was always an undercurrent in this type of system. One way it was combated was through the activity of the secret service. This elite and covert organization consisted of warriors under the age of 30. They were charged with keeping any revolt talk or action in check through whatever means necessary. This special op group would serve for two years. They frequently roamed at night and killed any helot found out of doors. They could eve...
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The Battle of Roosebeke 1382 - French-Flemish Wars

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

The Flemish, economically allied to England, was discontented with French rule. Burdened with heavy taxes during the reign of Charles VI, the people of Flanders took up arms under the leadership of Philip van Artevelde. During the uprising a large number of peasants and townspeople gathered en masse at Roosebeke in East Flanders. Here they were attacked by a strong force of mounted French knights commanded by the Count of Flanders, Louis II de Ma...
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