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Where did the historical go?

Posted by MRL on Sep 21st 2007

https://www.museumreplicas.com/Content/Images/0000540_0.jpegBoy, in all the exciting licensing who-ha lately I almost forgot to tell you that our historical line of clothing (yes, real clothing) for men and women, accessories, jewelry, gift and home items plus weapons and armor is better and bigger than ever.If you haven't seen our beautiful full color catalogs lately, call us at 800-883-8838 to request one. It's free and you'll be glad you did.A...
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Vampire Hunter D & 3 year olds

Posted by MRL on Jun 26th 2007

https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ab/75/7b/ab757bb121291901ad10a6365c3ad484--north-sea-vampire-hunter-d.jpg Wow, hard time getting up this morning. Does anyone else have a demanding 3 year old? Anyway, by the picture you can see that we've gone ahead and done it again. The nice folks over at Dark Horse Comics have worked with us to acquire the license for Vampire Hunter D. D is one of the coolest characters in all of Japanese animation and we're p...
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Welcome to MuseumReplicas.com

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Welcome to Museum Replicas, your ultimate source for all things historical. From Greeks, Romans, Vikings and Medieval Weapons to the Renaissance and LARP, you'll find what you are looking for in high quality period clothing for men & women and battle worthy armor and weapons a knight would cherish. Plus plenty of jewelry and accessories a queen would adore. Whether you are royalty or just want to feel li...
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