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Viking Beliefs

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

The Norse fearless nature may have arisen from their belief that a glorious death which involved battle with sword in hand would ensure their place in paradise. But this was not all the Norse went Viking for. They settled in the new lands they explored. More accurate they employed a raid & trade philosophy, for they settled many areas with little fighting and created great business relationships. In fact Dublin, Ireland was first established as a...
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Vikings and the Dark Ages

Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

The period known as the Dark Ages was greatly due to the Norse and their pagan beliefs, even though this period was not as dark as its given credit for. It was also a time of great exploration and blending of cultures. Some feel the Vikings simply disappeared after 1066, but the fact is they were still strong in their native lands and successfully assimilated into the other nations they had contact with....


Posted by MRL on Dec 31st 2006

Sparta HelotsOf all the Greek states it was Sparta that stood out in their fanatical beliefs about battle and war. They were the only city-state that had a full time army consisting of the entire male population. The one thing that made this possible was the helot. The helots were subjugated tribes that the Spartans held in slavery to perform all domestic trade and agriculture duties, thus freeing the citizen males to dedicat...
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